Archive for June 2022
How Does Parole Work in Los Angeles, CA?
If you are convicted of a felony in California and go to prison you will deal with parole upon your release. Violating the terms of your parole could mean being returned to prison in very short order, so it’s important to understand what you’re getting into. Parole is separate from probation, which is a sentence…
Read MoreWhat Are The Common Defenses Against Drug Possession Charges in Los Angeles, CA?
Drug cases are some of the most common cases we take on as Los Angeles, California criminal defense lawyers. Many of these cases are misdemeanor possession charges, and quite a few of them are first-time offenses. That can give us a lot of options when it is time to craft your defense. What the Prosecution…
Read MoreWhat Happens if You Confess to a Crime in Los Angeles, CA
Many people don’t realize that confessions can be involuntary, coerced, or false. People imagine that the only possible reason why someone would ever confess to a crime is if they are guilty of one. Nothing could be further from the truth. Almost every wrongful conviction involves some form of false confession. Even the courts know…
Read MoreHow Pretrial Diversion Works in Los Angeles, CA
One of the options we have for helping you with your criminal defense matter is to pursue a pretrial diversion program. Here in Los Angeles, there are four programs that we might be able to take advantage of if you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the programs. Here’s what you need to know…
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