Beverly Hills Child Pornography Lawyer

Child pornography is an act of child abuse that never stops happening. The victim is revictimized every time the images or videos are bought, sold, or shared. It’s an unsavory subject to think about or talk about.
This is why the law treats child pornography as one of the most serious sex crimes you can possibly commit. It is why First Amendment rights do not cover it. And it’s why it can be charged as a federal offense, or as a state crime. Everybody wants to catch and punish people who engage in this activity.
Law enforcement agents work closely with one another to find and catch people engaged in this activity. The Beverly Hills PD participates in the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program. This links them with 4,500 other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, as well as with prosecutors across the nation.
Child pornography charges are usually prosecuted in federal court.
It is more common to see it charged as a federal crime than it is to see it prosecuted at the state level. These images and videos usually cross state lines, often multiple times. Either way, you can be charged for:
- Possessing child pornography.
- Selling this content.
- Distributing it.
- Producing it.
- Importing it.
- Viewing it.
It only takes one download to bring someone up on child pornography charges. If convicted, one can be sent to prison for 15 to 30 years. Transporting child pornography could result in a 5 to 20-year sentence. These are federal mandatory minimums and there’s no way to negotiate to any lighter sentence. These sentences can be enhanced if the abuse depicted is sadistic or violent.
It is possible to be wrongfully accused.
We’re in an age where hackers can get good people into a lot of trouble. Some of them are good enough to get past even the most stringent security measures.
Some criminals find ways to use innocent people’s IP to download or distribute child pornography. The police only have the IP to go on, so they come to you. They may charge you even if they can’t find the files.
Some who view adult content or visit certain peer-to-peer file sharing sites are in danger of picking up files they never meant to receive. These files end up stored deep in the computer’s memory, only to be found by third parties later. Every computer tech knows they have a duty to report their findings. Many innocent individuals have been utterly blindsided.
Peer-to-peer sites are dangerous because police are aware of how often they’re used to distribute this content. Sometimes they go after the owner of every IP they find on the site, even if they didn’t download anything illegally.
Some sites that seem like they’re adult-only pornography sites also display images you didn’t mean to see. The sites themselves are breaking the law. But the URL can end up in your cache, where it can be used as evidence against you, too. These sites may also attach files to downloads that you never meant to receive. Many of these sites open multiple pop-up windows far too quickly for you to close them. And even the brief pop-up may be enough to create evidence against you.
As technology evolves hackers will evolve with it. It’s important to know the risks of interacting with any site on the Internet.
Hackers aren’t the only ones that get good people in trouble.
Have you ever allowed a friend or relative to use your computer?
Any third party could commit the crime on your computer, leaving the evidence in your hands. Even people you think you can trust. If you leave your computer unlocked or in an area where lots of people can access it then you could be in trouble. You just don’t know what other people are doing when you’re not there to monitor their behavior.
But engaging in risky behavior like this isn’t a crime. You shouldn’t have to watch your life and reputation disappear before your eyes just because someone broke your trust.
Consequences of Child Pornography
Child pornography is a felony that carries civil liability. If convicted you will:
- Face up to 30 years in prison for each count of child pornography.
- Be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
- Be liable for up to $150,000 to every victim of every piece of media found on your computer.
You’re likely to lose family members and friends. Even the rumor of child pornography can be life-altering.
Few people will stand by your side, but we will. We will investigate ways to prove your innocence. We know which cyber forensics experts to talk to. We have an excellent grasp of the technology and the different methods used to implicate third parties. And we look for other problems in the case, such as a failure on law enforcement’s part to get a proper warrant before searching or seizing your property.
If ever there were a type of case you should not leave to a public defender, this is it. PDs don’t have the time or expertise to give your case the level of care it’s going to require. You need the care and attention only a qualified private attorney can provide.
How to Get Help
If you’ve been accused of this terrible crime, we can help. As former prosecutors with a great deal of experience in federal court, we have the tools and experience necessary to defend your case.
Call (213) 984-2300 today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll have an in-depth look at your case, and we’ll discuss how we can help you.
Beverly Hills Child Pornography Lawyer

Child pornography is an act of child abuse that never stops happening. The victim is revictimized every time the images or videos are bought, sold, or shared. It’s an unsavory subject to think about or talk about.
This is why the law treats child pornography as one of the most serious sex crimes you can possibly commit. It is why First Amendment rights do not cover it. And it’s why it can be charged as a federal offense, or as a state crime. Everybody wants to catch and punish people who engage in this activity.
Law enforcement agents work closely with one another to find and catch people engaged in this activity. The Beverly Hills PD participates in the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program. This links them with 4,500 other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, as well as with prosecutors across the nation.
Child pornography charges are usually prosecuted in federal court.
It is more common to see it charged as a federal crime than it is to see it prosecuted at the state level. These images and videos usually cross state lines, often multiple times. Either way, you can be charged for:
- Possessing child pornography.
- Selling this content.
- Distributing it.
- Producing it.
- Importing it.
- Viewing it.
It only takes one download to bring someone up on child pornography charges. If convicted, one can be sent to prison for 15 to 30 years. Transporting child pornography could result in a 5 to 20-year sentence. These are federal mandatory minimums and there’s no way to negotiate to any lighter sentence. These sentences can be enhanced if the abuse depicted is sadistic or violent.
It is possible to be wrongfully accused.
We’re in an age where hackers can get good people into a lot of trouble. Some of them are good enough to get past even the most stringent security measures.
Some criminals find ways to use innocent people’s IP to download or distribute child pornography. The police only have the IP to go on, so they come to you. They may charge you even if they can’t find the files.
Some who view adult content or visit certain peer-to-peer file sharing sites are in danger of picking up files they never meant to receive. These files end up stored deep in the computer’s memory, only to be found by third parties later. Every computer tech knows they have a duty to report their findings. Many innocent individuals have been utterly blindsided.
Peer-to-peer sites are dangerous because police are aware of how often they’re used to distribute this content. Sometimes they go after the owner of every IP they find on the site, even if they didn’t download anything illegally.
Some sites that seem like they’re adult-only pornography sites also display images you didn’t mean to see. The sites themselves are breaking the law. But the URL can end up in your cache, where it can be used as evidence against you, too. These sites may also attach files to downloads that you never meant to receive. Many of these sites open multiple pop-up windows far too quickly for you to close them. And even the brief pop-up may be enough to create evidence against you.
As technology evolves hackers will evolve with it. It’s important to know the risks of interacting with any site on the Internet.
Hackers aren’t the only ones that get good people in trouble.
Have you ever allowed a friend or relative to use your computer?
Any third party could commit the crime on your computer, leaving the evidence in your hands. Even people you think you can trust. If you leave your computer unlocked or in an area where lots of people can access it then you could be in trouble. You just don’t know what other people are doing when you’re not there to monitor their behavior.
But engaging in risky behavior like this isn’t a crime. You shouldn’t have to watch your life and reputation disappear before your eyes just because someone broke your trust.
Consequences of Child Pornography
Child pornography is a felony that carries civil liability. If convicted you will:
- Face up to 30 years in prison for each count of child pornography.
- Be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
- Be liable for up to $150,000 to every victim of every piece of media found on your computer.
You’re likely to lose family members and friends. Even the rumor of child pornography can be life-altering.
Few people will stand by your side, but we will. We will investigate ways to prove your innocence. We know which cyber forensics experts to talk to. We have an excellent grasp of the technology and the different methods used to implicate third parties. And we look for other problems in the case, such as a failure on law enforcement’s part to get a proper warrant before searching or seizing your property.
If ever there were a type of case you should not leave to a public defender, this is it. PDs don’t have the time or expertise to give your case the level of care it’s going to require. You need the care and attention only a qualified private attorney can provide.
How to Get Help
If you’ve been accused of this terrible crime, we can help. As former prosecutors with a great deal of experience in federal court, we have the tools and experience necessary to defend your case.
Call (213) 984-2300 today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll have an in-depth look at your case, and we’ll discuss how we can help you.
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